Load controls dynamically and resize an SSTab control

This sample shows one way of getting rid of a couple of the SSTab controls problems. Quite a few people in the news groups ask why their controls end up on the wrong tab, or they can't see them at all after either dynamically adding them to the SSTab or running their favorite "auto resizer" code on a form that contains an SSTab. The problems are directly related to the fact that the SSTab control is all one container, no matter how many tabs there are. Regardless of the version of SSTab you have, its functionality hasn't changed since it was originally released. Due to it's advanced age, it's not designed to handle loading or resizing controls (think VB3 days) It's a fairly simple form that contains a tab and a couple of textboxes. At runtime, it sets the number of tabs and loads controls onto each tab. The controls sizes are set as you resize the form.

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