Registry Search Using RegObj.dll

I put this sample together to answer a question in one of the VB newsgroups. RegObj.dll is a registry component for VB that gives you an object oriented method of accessing the registry instead of a bunch of hard to read/understand API calls. One drawback to using the dll is that you'll need to add another item to your deployment package when you ship your app. To make up for that, you'll have complete read/write access to the registry. If you don't already have RegObj.dll, you can get it free by clicking here.

RegObj.dll - ActiveX Manipulation of the Registry
Replace DirListBox control with Treeview.

Here's a way to gain a bit more control by replacing VBs intrinsic DirListBox control with a Treeview. This enables you to limit a users ability to browse to parent folders and take full control over which subfolders they can view. If the folder isn't shown in the Treeview, the user won't be able to select it ;-)

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