Screen Capture, Print and Save
This dll will capture any part of the screen. All you do is pass the handle (hWnd) of the window you want to capture.
Once captured, you can view the captured image, print or save it.
Most of the code is from MSKB article Q161299 - HOWTO Capture and Print the Screen, a Form, or Any Window.
Note that you'll need to register the dll (RegSvr32.exe) before using it. No source is included at this time.
Selecting a Printer
Here's a quickie form that allows you to select a printer without using the common dialog control.
It won't mess with the Windows default printer setting and you can include it in any project you want.
Spy++ Settings Manager - Uses RegObj.dll
This little utility uses RegObj.dll to load / save settings from Spy++.
If you've ever used Spy++, you know that selecting the list of messages that you want to monitor is a pain
because Spy's ListBox is small and there are tons of messages to choose from.
Once you select them, choose the Spy option of saving the settings as Default so this utility will pick up the registry change.
What the utility does is save the registry info to a file for later use...
And I've discovered that actually using the program is much easier than trying to describe it so... Try it.
Instead of launching Spy, launch this, select a configuration and that'll launch Spy with those settings and wait until you quit Spy.
Then it'll compare the current settings with the ones that were in effect before launching. You'll need RegObj.dll.
BTW... This sample shows how to read / write longs and binary data to the registry with RegObj.dll.
Super Container
Here's a UserControl (source and test project) that will give you the features that are asked for quite often in the newsgroups.
It has Bevel Styles (No Bevel, Thin Raised and Thin Sunken). Caption Alignment (Left, Right, Center).
DisabledBehavior property that is used to determine whether or not to process the controls inside the container or not.
ControlsContained property that returns a collection of all controls that are contained by the Super Container.
Note: This project has never been compiled so you must load the project group to test it.
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