Ramblings Part 3

Ramblings Part 3

I have pictures of "Before", "During" and "After" her illness. The "During" is too painful to publish right now so I'll wait a while. The 'Before' is shown above as her in her blue dress.

A little about my current state of mind...

My wife meant everything in the world to me and, right now, I'm just lost.

I've lost close to 30 pounds in the last 2 and a half weeks (assuming mostly water from a huge leak in my eyes)... My doctor (was hers too) has me on anti-depression medication so I can function at all. In the last week, I've probably only slept a total of 12 hours... with the rest of the night spent staring at the ceiling.

I just returned to work Monday. They've been very understanding (thank God) and knew how much she meant to me.... heck... my co-workers were the hecklers that teased my wife and I for always holding hands, kissing and hugging "Just like school yard sweethearts".

Slowly (very slowly) but surely, I'm coming back to life. I'm not gaining weight but haven't lost any more... back to the doctor this coming Tuesday for a full physical. 

While it's terrible to lose anyone you love, a spouse is exceptionally hard to lose. We always talked of growing old together and she promised to wipe my chin if I ever had a drooling problem <g>. She was simply amazing. I took so much for granted, it's nuts!


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